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Welcome Aboard!



Welcome Aboard!


As we’re on the runway taxiing towards The Empath take-off, I thought I would take this time to run through the relevant procedures in the event that you want to own a copy of Aeron’s first book.

In the overhead compartment you will notice that it’s called book I of the Above & Beyond series… so yup, there will be more! There’s a lot going on and I hope that you’ll love her and follow her journey.

In the safety sheets in front you will notice that it’s stated as a paranormal/fantasy thriller.  That’s because there’s… you guessed it… paranormal things going on but don’t worry, Aeron will take great care of you.

If you’d like to take a glance out the window, you’ll notice that when we’re taking off, that the surroundings below will look a bit different. Our destination is Missouri in the United States, namely the Ozarks. That’s where Aeron lives, in Oppidum. If you’re from Wales, you’ll be right in noticing that some of it looks very familiar. In fact, there could even be some little things like love spoons and isn’t that a Welsh Flag?

Oh, and if you’ve noticed the attendant in the front of the aisle, you’ll see that she’s bit big for her uniform, in fact her head is bowed not to hit the roof. On Klaire Airlines, the stories are normally staffed by characters who are different, perhaps not always approachable either. The main focus is that they do a great job and make your journey smooth… and as hair-raising… as possible. But that lady, the one at the front who’s waving at you, that’s Aeron Lorelei herself. She would like me to tell you that she’s ‘sure as shoots’  excited about getting to meet you.

On the seat opposite you, I would like you not to worry about the stuffing being torn out of the seat. That’s Mrs. Squirrel and she’s in charge of in-flight entertainment. We would like to warn you that she may steal your lunch if you have any of those nutty bars, and she’s been eyeing your pillow since you boarded. Don’t worry though, no squirrels get to actually fly the plane.

With the procedures all ticked off and gone through, there’s the small matter of where you can get your ticket for take-off. The first is Bedazzled’s own BookPeddler, the reason I say first is that when you buy direct from the publisher, it’s a better for the authors.

Also, it’s quick and easy if you’re in the US. You can get your electronic copy quickly and easily from the site too for whatever device you like to read it on. In the event that you would like the pilots scribble, you can do that too. All the details are on the Bedazzled website, here:

You can also get The Empath on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, I will update our little airline when we’re cruising at altitude to send you directly to the link.

If you enjoy the journey, please feel free to tell every person you meet about it. If you love it, please broadcast that fact on every platform you have!

Okay, I’ve been told that we’re just waiting on the air-traffic control now. So, on behalf of me, Aeron and all in The Empath have an amazing morning/day/evening/night and keep your eyes peeled for the sign that says lift off!


Big Smiles!


(Captain) Jody Klaire!


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