If The Shoe Fits


I don’t know about you but I loved pantomimes as a kid and the theatre so when I was thinking of something to submit for the GCLS Writing Academy Anthology, naturally, that’s where my thoughts went. One of the characters in the story decides that Cinderella needs a change which sparked my imagination.

So… what if the prince wasn’t a prince at all? What if Cinderella… or Ashley as she’s called in If The Shoe Fits… what if she happens to fall in love with the person whatever their outer shell? And, what happens if the characters decide they don’t want to follow protocol anymore, they want to be free to follow their own hearts. Well, that’s what poured out onto the page but I needed to be a bit more “storyteller.” It was great fun and I’m even quite fond of Prince Ralph.

If you like a good old chuckle, a handsome “prince,” like watching social barriers smashed and some gender barriers too all with a touch of romance, then I hope you will enjoy meeting Ashley, Princess Raphaelle and their friends!


Big Smiles!



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